Conflict. It seems like there is no shortage of it these days either in person or online. Conflict in relationships, whether business or personal are a part of life. What’s the best way to handle it?
What follows is a list of seven quick tips that will help you navigate your way through any conflict with which you are dealing. They’re quick but effective.
1. Take a pause. Take a breath, take a walk, take a chill pill but think before you speak or post.
2. Ask questions. And don’t do it so you can form your argument, do it to find out who the person really is.
3. Don’t assume. You know what the word assume means but we still do it. Stop!
4. Be grateful. That’s right, thank them for their opinion or better, look for something you can appreciate about them or about their perspective.
5. Listen. Watch tone, mood, and expression. Listen to understand not argue.
6. Don’t get personal. Avoid saying “You” too much thus sounding like you are preaching. They can go to church for that.
7. Don’t respond. This may be your best option. keep your mouth shut and your fingers away from the keyboard. After all, you don’t need to respond all the time, now do you?
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