Mallory Square. It’s a hot spot in Key West, Florida to watch the sunset. People from all walks of life gather there at the end of the day to listen to music, imbibe (they do that a lot in the keys!) and watch the Artist of the Universe paint a masterpiece. I shot this video last evening.
It’s hard to believe that was just last night, because of what took place there yesterday morning. I had been in downtown Key West over the late morning and early afternoon. When I got back to my hotel a friend of mine texted me the link to a news article about a bomb scare at Mallory Square – that morning. It seems that, at first, it seemed credible. So credible in fact that the Navy K-9 units were called out and the the surrounding perimeter was shut-down until an investigation could be done. In the end it was deemed a hoax.
It’s amazing how quickly things can change. From Bomb Threat to Sunset in just over twelve hours.
That’s how it goes. Something or someone is threatening your very existence one moment and the next moment all is okay in your world. I’m not saying it’s that easy, it isn’t. There are things that come our way that destabilize us for a while. It could be a bleak diagnosis, the end of a relationship or even the passing of a loved one. That’s the hard stuff. The stuff we never really ever get over but, just get through. But all the while one thing is constant, the sun rises and sets the next day and like clock work.
It lets us know that even though we were threatened today that tomorrow is a new day that will be rife with new struggles and new opportunities. I’m not minimizing pain at all. It happens and will continue to happen. Tragedy will strike, conflict will occur and life will get messy.
But, as the song says, “The sun will come out tomorrow…”
Or as my wife’s Grandmother used to put it, “Tomorrow is another day.”
Whatever our perspective, this much is sure – if we wake up to a new sunrise after yesterday’s sunset, we have another day to love and be loved, another day to make a difference.
And that’s a good thing.
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